Monthly Archives: March 2021

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Properly diagnosing severe persistent headaches

Bad headaches plague many North Carolina residents. A situation in which people experience more persistent, severe headaches can leave them wondering if…

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Common birth injuries and responsible parties

Birth injuries can have devastating consequences. They can result in lifelong disabilities and even prove to be fatal. There is a trio…

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What are common hospital errors made by inexperienced nurses?

When seeking medical care in North Carolina, people place an inherent level of trust in the hospital staff. Nurses are a key…

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Catastrophic consequences of a failure to diagnose

Medical errors ranked as the third leading cause of death across the United States, according to The BMJ, one of the oldest…

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Are doctors liable for defective medical devices?

Most people in North Carolina and across the country place a lot of trust in their doctors. When patients have a procedure…

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