Charlotte Surgical Error Lawyer

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Charlotte, NC Surgical Error Attorney

Every surgery has risks. It is the job of experienced medical professionals to understand those risks and minimize all potential surgical errors. If your surgery did not go according to plan because of a surgeon’s error, an experienced medical malpractice attorney can help you obtain compensation for your losses.

At Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, our Charlotte lawyers have been protecting the rights of victims of surgical errors since 1978.

Protecting Victims In Charlotte, North Carolina

Most surgical errors are easily avoidable, but that does not mean that they can’t have long-term consequences. From a severed nerve to retained surgical instruments, these mistakes can cause severe injuries. If you have suffered a serious injury during surgery, make sure you get the medical treatment that you need and the financial compensation that you deserve.

At Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, our lawyers help people who have suffered a variety of injuries due to surgical errors that include:

  • Severed nerves
  • Nerve damage
  • Nerve compression injuries
  • Performing the wrong surgery
  • Instruments left behind
  • Damage to adjacent organs

In many cases of surgical error, the operating physician does not even make any physical mistakes while performing the surgery. Performing the wrong surgery can be the most dangerous surgical error of all. We had one case in which a surgeon operated on the wrong level of our client’s back.

Post-Surgical Errors

When you fail to receive proper monitoring and treatment after surgery, post-surgical complications can lead to sepsis and death.

We protect the rights of clients who have suffered the following post-surgical errors and misdiagnoses:

  • Failure to diagnosis post-surgical bowel injury
  • Failure to timely diagnosis and intervene with post-surgical complications
  • Negligent management of post-surgical complications
  • Punctured bowels

Retained Surgical Sponge

From scalpels to scissors, any instrument left in the body after surgery can be dangerous. However, sponges can be worse than other instruments because they grow into the body and become infected. A patient may not feel the effects until one or two years later. A retained surgical sponge can lead to intestine loss as well as sepsis.

Get In Touch With Our Team

Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, is here to be your steadfast ally throughout your case. Our team of Charlotte surgical error lawyers is here to support you until you arrive at the results that you need. Call 704-343-0000 now or contact us online to arrange for a free case evaluation with our team.


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