What to do if misdiagnosis leads to months of incorrect treatment

When you receive a diagnosis for a serious medical condition, you might feel a sense of relief in knowing that you will get the treatment you need. You likely would not even think to suspect that the diagnosis could be incorrect.

Misdiagnosis itself can be an example of medical malpractice, but an incorrect treatment that continues for months is especially inexcusable. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to follow the necessary steps toward getting the care and compensation you deserve.

Seek proper treatment

Statistics suggest that diagnostic error may be a factor in as many as 80,000 deaths in the U.S. annually. Following the realization that you are a victim of incorrect treatment, you may be understandably angry and want to pursue a malpractice claim right away, but you must prioritize your health. Receiving improper treatment can cause your condition to worsen, so you must address this issue above all else.

Collect evidence of negligence

Proving a medical malpractice claim is a matter of proving that you have a doctor-patient relationship with the individual responsible for the misdiagnosis and that they are in fact guilty of negligence. This can be difficult if the mistake goes unnoticed for a long period of time. It is important to keep detailed records following each visit or interaction with your healthcare professionals so that you can protect yourself in the event of a drastic error.

Diagnostic errors are an unfortunate reality in healthcare, but doctors who swiftly remedy their own mistakes can prevent long-term harm to their patients. If you receive a misdiagnosis that leads to prolonged wrongful treatment, however, you must take action to safeguard your own health and finances.

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