When should you see a doctor after a car accident?

The shock of crashing your car can prevent you from recognizing injuries right away. You might even feel unscathed in the moments following as your adrenaline pumps harder.

However, refusing medical treatment may not be your smartest idea even if you feel okay. Your decision to get checked out could prevent ongoing pain so you can move on with your life in a safe manner.

Receiving a medical evaluation

In most accidents, a paramedic will come to evaluate the people involved in the crash. Even if you feel uninjured, it is wise to allow them to give you a brief medical evaluation. This can rule out any major, unseen injuries that could have life-threatening repercussions if not treated right away. If you choose to forgo an evaluation, the paramedics will have you sign documentation that confirms you denied treatment at the scene of the accident.

Following up with your PCP

The days following your car accident could bring new or worsening pain. According to U.S. News, one compelling reason to visit your PCP after a motor vehicle accident is to establish a connection between your injuries and the crash. This will provide critical support if you must take legal action against the driver who caused the crash.

Your PCP can provide follow-up care and suggest additional treatment or rehabilitative therapies to improve your condition. Your decision to get medical treatment has several benefits including injury prevention, symptom maintenance and peace of mind. Your doctor can help you determine when you reach a point where you can conclude treatment.

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